Sunday, April 17, 2011

David Shankle is a Douchebag

David Shankle(Formerly of the band Manowar) is a very large, childish douchebag. His large attempts at attaining a large E-Peen are likely the result of his actual penis being very small. If you want proof, here it is.

EMG Blacklisted Me...

I leave you with his poorly edited attempt at looking like a kvlt shredder, "Insanely Amazing Demonic Guitar Solo".

Counter Trolling

A few months ago I wanted to troll this guy, Eric "Vampire" Devries of Vampire Guitars, about his horrible guitars.
It turned into an argument that, to me, was hilarious. Sadly, it ended rather abruptly, me responding about how he was just bullshitting and actually insulted himself, but he never replied. Yes, that is his actual email address, and he did post his actual address online it's:
 7 Gosling Street, Ballan, VIC 3342, Australia

If one person reads this, let it be someone who could use this address to aid in getting him to shut up.

Here's the conversation, completely unedited, for your entertainment/infuriation.

It is really hard to believe that he's a native English speaker.

tone woods blah tone woods good for studio recording ..great for that..when playing live on stage they aint good ..they break up when played guitars are rather toneally dead when played not plugged in but that means u can go on stage and play alot louder and sound better as the sound dont break up....i know u dpnt understand but ill take on an y guitar worth any price any time.///

for your info bernie rico guitars for example have pulled out of a challenge twice now...the sound off against an esp $10,000 guitar wasnt released because mine sounded better.

u should come c 4 your self if u have the balls

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 23:15:01 -0400Subject: Re:


I'm not a luthier so you technically win by default.
Unless you mean the guitar I'm using, and yes, it would sound better, it isn't made out of $1.00 store cutting board, but an actual tone wood.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:08 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
lol guarentee anything u have wont outperform mine '

 Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 21:54:40 -0400
No, I personally prefer satin and oiled finishes over glossy. What you did there, though, it probably dampens the sound. Did you glue them there? I see no nails, and I doubt that's good for the tone, even if you used nails/screws. Steel/iron isn't the most resonant material, so it will probably dampen the effect of the body wood.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
lol think about they give it a look like gothic u are just 1 of those peoplethatthink if a guitar is noty shiny its no its so funny

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 21:45:39 -0400
Subject: Re:

Why would you stick those on your guitars, then!? They still don't belong!
Anyway, the ones in computers serve the same purpose, the construction ones are probably made out of a stronger material, though.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
idiot...they are building straps for nails when building house and stuff likethat cut down to size c u are stupid lol

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 21:38:52 -0400
Subject: Re:

...I repair computers in school, the classroom is littered with little parts that are just like that thing on your guitars.
I'm talking about the things I circled in the attached picture.
If they aren't the parts used to hold drives in a drive bay, what are they?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
youre anididot..computor parts your dreaming

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 21:04:12 -0400
Subject: Re:

Your not bothering me, I'm actually enjoying this. I like taking down douche bags like you on the internet. Your just like the boss at the end of the level.

Seriously, though, I really want to know why your sticking computer drive bay parts on your guitars.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
lol im amazed how lu think what u say effects me....just amazed u keep writing so i must be bothering u thats good

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 20:54:59 -0400
Subject: Re:

Wow, bad grammar and spelling to? Your really going over the top with being a douche bag, aren't you?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
i dont need to prove to u lol dont u get that i dont care

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 20:44:42 -0400
Subject: Re:

Okay, because you are giving me no proof, you are just proving that your guitars do suck, you know it, and yet you don't want to let people see that. Thank you for proving this to me, you arrogant douche bag. Unless you want to redeem yourself, if you can prove that your guitar's aren't crap, I'll make it my mission to repair your name. This is your decision, do you want to be a douche bag or a renowned luthier?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
keep going i love it....

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 20:27:09 -0400
Subject: Re:

Do you have any video proof that they use your guitars? Also, who are they, really? I've never heard of them before seeing your website.
Do you have any proof, for that matter, that your guitars, in fact, do not suck? I can tell just by looking at them how shitty they are, then I watched a video that showed how they sounded, and that just proved what I had already thought.

You still haven't explained why you used computer parts.

Additionally, why are you using a free site host? I would think that a good luthier would be able to afford his on domain name, or is $8 too much the master luthier?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Eric vampire <> wrote:
lol i like talking to guys like u shows how brain dead you are obviously u just have anyone who honestly says that with my current endoresee's and old just shows the lack of intelligence on your part. haha

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 20:06:36 -0400
Subject: Re:


That's expensive! Are you delirious or do you honestly not know how shitty your guitars are?
I mean, why would you glue spare computer parts to your guitars?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Eric vampire <>
i can do something for maybe around $1000 how much do you want to spend?

what are you looking for?


Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 19:17:23 -0400

How much is the cheapest guitar I could buy from you, and what would it be?

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Seriously, stop posting chain letters! I knew I'd post a second rant about trolling, wasn't expecting chain letters, I really thought it would be on 1337 speak, you lost the game again, but I don't choose what to rant about. I rant when something comes to me, usually something that annoys me, such as chain letters. Hopefully if your reading this, then you understand that your not going to die if you don't repost something 200 times on twentyseven different topics, or photos, or videos, or statusus, or walls, or what ever it says. How about this? YOU'LL BE KILLED BY THE DEMON PRINCE LORDS ILLEGITMATE RETARDED MONKEY FISH DAUGHTER IF YOU DON'T REPOST THIS ON 15,000 OTHER BLOGS, 27,000,000 DIFFERENT FORUMS, 32 WALLS, 25,400 STATUS UPDATES, 200,000,000 MAFIA WARS UPDATES, 1,000,000,000 FARMVILL UPDATES, AND 27.5 AMAZON.COM PRODUCTS REVIEWS. If you do that, two things will happen; one, I'll wonder how and why you did that; and two, I'll lose all respect for you. You probably won't care, and do it anyway, since if you do this, you probably don't know me, or your not my friend.

This is the preferred type of chain maille.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I seriously hate this god d@#% FCAT. For anyone reading this outside of Florida, FCAT stands for Florida Comprehensive Assesment Test, and it is the dumbest piece of bull ever. It's a test that takes almost the entire day that is used to see if your learning the right stuff, well, stuff that you learned a few years ago. Seriously, I learned some of this stuff in fourth grade. What's the worse is that our teachers make a big deal out of this, and they sadly have good reason. Because of the retarted No Child Left Behind policy, passed by GOP dumb@$$es, if people fail the FCAT, and people are moronic enough to do so, the school loses funding for some reason. I would give the failing schools more funding, so they would have more money for books and other study tools to help them get a better grade. Everyone, even the people that don't need to do the test because it's easy, have to take it, and if we score one point lower then what we have previously, we become a failure because we didn't make a learning gain, as in get more points. You even fail if you get a perfect score one year and get a perfect score the net year.  And because there are retards that fail the test, we get punished just the same, even if we passed. The test is tomorrow, but wanna know what we did today? We had to go to the testing room, give the proctor our cell phones in a plastic lock bag(I trying to refrain from using genercized trade marks like Zip-Loc), and bring our bags to the front of the room, just to get them a few minutes later. I HATE TEDIUM LIKE THIS! The test isn't even today! After that retarded procedure, we just sat there! We couldn't go back to first period! I. HATE. THIS. TEST.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


People, I cannot tell you how much I hate people who comment or post "FIRST!," "SECOND!," or "THIRD!" I almost hate them as much as I hate larping. Seriously, what the ef is the point! GOD! Do you get some sort of meaningless satisfaction with this ritual that proves you have no life? I lack a life, but at least I speak intelegently, instead of saying one word that adds nothing! Oh, and what do you do when you don't get to post first? Do you go into depression? If you do, I hope you kill yourself. I know it isn't politically correct, but I don efing care! We could use less retards like you! GOD! This first related book would be much more productive. You know, because of you idiots, I now despise the word first. Are you happy now?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This is my first "blog" post, and as such, I'll tell what is to come on this "blog" of mine. Actually, I'll start by musing. Where did the "B" in "blog" come from? I understand that the Log part comes from the word log, meaning log, a synonym of journal. I also am under the idea that originally these "blogs" as they are called were known as "Online Journal," "Online Logs," "Internet Log," and "Internet Journal." There isn't a "B" in any of those words, I actually haven't used "B" in a word except in "Blog," though that isn't of importance to this rambling, or is it? Oh, I just used a word where "B" was the fourth letter, does this mean I lose the game? If so, what game was it? Oh, I just lost the game, and so did all of you.

This following link is here because I already signed this blog up for the Amazon Associate Program, as I want to make so that, if this blog ever gets successful, I can never sell out, as I never sold in to begin with. The link was chosen randomly, sort of, as in it was the first thing that popped into my head.